Este pequeño Noah está inspirado en mi peque de 7 años, con sus grandes ojos negros, su melena alborotada... Siempre imaginando nuevas aventuras de piratas, caballeros o dragones ¡ojalá no pierda esa inocencia pronto! Simpático, noble y creativo, con su disfraz favorito desde los dos años, de pirata, claro. ^.^
This little Noah is been inspired by my 7 years old son, it has his big black eyes, his messy hair...always thinking about new adventures with pirates, dragons or knights. I hope he doesn't lose his innocence soon! He is kind, friendly and creative and loves wearing his favourite custome since he was two, pirate . ^.^
This little Noah is been inspired by my 7 years old son, it has his big black eyes, his messy hair...always thinking about new adventures with pirates, dragons or knights. I hope he doesn't lose his innocence soon! He is kind, friendly and creative and loves wearing his favourite custome since he was two, pirate . ^.^