Esta fin de semana mi pequeña ha cumplido un año.¡No me puedo creer!¿ya? ¡como ha crecido! Ha sido muy especial,♥ reunimos a toda la familia, incluido el abuelo que voló desde el Reino Unido para celebrarlo con sus nietos. Tenía pensado el vestido, los colores de los globos e incluso la tarta. Pero nada sale como se planea. Aparte de la tarta de corazón y magdalenas que yo hice, nos regalaron otras dos tartas. Madre mía vamos a comer tarta hasta hartarnos, ja,ja! El vestido que le puse al final era retro, de cuando yo era pequeña. Se portó como una campeona y disfrutó de la compañía. Llegó ha probar las magdalenas, ¡que dulce! ↖(^ω^)↗
This weekend my little baby turned one. I can't believe it! Already? It was a very special day ♥ . We gathered all the family together, even grandpa that flew from the UK to celebrate with us. I had everything planned, the little dress, the colors of the baloons, the cake...but nothing turs out as you plan, and apart from the heart shape cake and the cupcakes I baked, we were given two more. OMG, we are going to eat just cake for the weekend! The dress she worn at the end was a charming one from when I was little. She was a champion, she enjoyed the company and even tried the cupcakes I baked, so sweet!↖(^ω^)↗
H&M shoes, €7,46 / Party cone hat / Macaroons in Pastel and Bokeh Background - 5x5 Fine Art Photo, €7,61 / Bracelet, €34 / Beauty Is Life makeup, €22 / By Terry lip gloss, €34 / OPI nail polish, €14 / NATURALS Cherry 

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