Happy Days!!!!
martes, 29 de julio de 2014
miércoles, 23 de julio de 2014
Happy feet!
Como ya sabéis hemos pasado una semana en el Reino Unido, aunque hubiera deseado quedarme un poco más. ¿Quizás la próxima vez? Cuando vuelvo a un lugar donde he vivido, siempre me parece familiar.
Tuve la mala "pata"de golpearme el dedo corazón del pie, unas horas después de llegar. En el momento me dolió bastante, pero al rato se pasó y podía andar sin problemas. Sólo se inflamó un poco, pero tras unos rayos X, el doctor me diagnosticó un esguince. Zapatos abiertos de suela dura, una crema y un poco de reposo. No tenía unos zapatos adecuados en casa, así que me compré unas birkenstocks, no los zapatos más bonitos, pero bastante cómodos. Entonces deseé haber tenido algunos zapatos de estilo escandinavo, con suela de madera rígida, tal y como prescribió el médico. No hay mejor excusa para un caprichito que la salud, ¿no? Me encanta su aspecto artesano y aire retro, así que empecé a fisgonear por internet y esto es lo que encontré...
As you know you we went to the U.K. for a week, thoughI wish we stayed longer! Maybe next time. It always feels familiar to me, When I go back to a place where I had been linving before.
Unfortunatelly I knocked my toe a few hours after we arrived. It hurt a lot at the moment but I could walk after a while and It didn't get bruce, just a bit inflamated. After taken an X-ray, the doctor told me It was a sprain. He adviced me to use open shoes with non flexible sole, keep usisng the cream and a little rest. I could not find appropiate shoes at home, so I bought a pair of black birkenstocks, not the prettiest of shoes, but quite comfortable. Then I whished I had some scandinavian style shoes, with that wooden hard sole, as the the doctor prescribed. There is not better excuse for shopping that your own health, isn't it?
I just love their handmade feel and their retro style, so I went searching... and I found those.

As you know you we went to the U.K. for a week, thoughI wish we stayed longer! Maybe next time. It always feels familiar to me, When I go back to a place where I had been linving before.
Unfortunatelly I knocked my toe a few hours after we arrived. It hurt a lot at the moment but I could walk after a while and It didn't get bruce, just a bit inflamated. After taken an X-ray, the doctor told me It was a sprain. He adviced me to use open shoes with non flexible sole, keep usisng the cream and a little rest. I could not find appropiate shoes at home, so I bought a pair of black birkenstocks, not the prettiest of shoes, but quite comfortable. Then I whished I had some scandinavian style shoes, with that wooden hard sole, as the the doctor prescribed. There is not better excuse for shopping that your own health, isn't it?
Madewell shoes, €115 / Swedish Hasbeens stretch leather shoes, €130 / El naturalista clog, €100 / Swedish Hasbeens slingback shoes, €81 / American Rag Cie fedora hat, €9,60 / Mirror, €125 / Beach Photography - beach photograph starfish sand cottage seashore..., €22 / Vista Alegre Olhar O Brasil Charger Plate, €67
Oh, Summer!
Como habrás notado hace un tiempo que no publico ninguna entrada. Podríamos decir que ha sido una pausa obligada: mis peques están de vacaciones + hemos viajado + problemas con nuestra conexión a internet. Gracias por seguir volviendo a este rinconcito.
Poco a poco todo está volviendo a la normalidad. Tengo muchas ganas de compartir algunos proyectos y fotos de nuestro viaje a U.K.
¡Que tengas un buen día!
You probably notice that I haven't been blogging for a while. I could say it´s been a forced pause: my children are on holidays + we all had been away + we had problems with our internet conection. Thanks to all friends that keep visiting this little place.
Finally things are going back to normal. I have some projects to share and pictures from our trip to U.K.
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